
Happiness in a mat?

Posted by Gemma Pallisier on 16th Aug 2023

What is a Shakti mat?…a mat which uses the principles of acupressure to support deep sleep, healthy circulation, relaxation of tense muscles, relief from stress and general vitality. It was formally marketed as ‘happiness in a bag’ because they would come in a cute little carry bag. The cute little carry bag has since gone but I stand by their ‘happiness’ claim. The sensation it gives, I describe as a kind of giddiness – a happiness some might say – or a general all over ‘buzz’. But this buzz doesn’t come cheap haha. To get the benefits, I tell customers they have to be bare skinned on the mat. A daunting task at first. It doesn’t hurt as in an unbearable pain but for the first 5 minutes at least, every single nerve ending is screaming to your brain which is screaming to you to get OFF! BUT, persevere for that 5 minutes, distract yourself (I personally do mad fb scrolling or read a really good book) and all of a sudden something magical happens. Tension disappears and your brain stops screaming and everything starts to feel really nice, I can easily stay on from here for 20, 30, 40 minutes. But everytime that first 5minutes is always hard. I should say I have no real back issues or any pain related medical condition so my experience is just coming from a tight lower back or shoulders or headache or to relieve stress and anxiety before bed. My brother-in-law did find relief for his sciatica pain and my 15 year old nephew will often fall asleep on it. Oh and sore throbbing feet! I forgot about that massive plus, if you get into bed and you have aching throbbing feet from a big day, this will be your best friend. However please if you have a medical condition seek professional advice before trying.

They have an amazing extended range now of Shakti acupressure pillow, acupressure ring, acupressure headband and brand new weighted eye pillows (which can be cooled) and weighted wraps (which can be warmed and put inside the shakti mat…swoon).

Keen to tackle that tension and melt away stress, find some giddiness and maybe a little happiness?? Come and see us!